Back Bone Paramotors
Back Bone Paramotors
1.325,00€ TTC
The Piccolo adaptable trike is designed to adapt to all the paramotors in our range in just 2 minutes
The Piccolo adaptable trike is designed to adapt to all the paramotors in our range in just 2 minutes, while keeping the system of attachment for the wing, take off on foot, harness, mobile low rods or high rods.
Designed all in aircraft grade steel (4130), the Piccolo is solid, and well cushioned by fiberglass bars at the rear – all weighing only 9.7 kg.
32 cm wheels with ball bearings, front mudguard and steering recall.
The Piccolo includes a transport bag, and can be assembled without tools.
Measuring 88 X 52 X 18 cm in its bag, it slips into any car or motorhome trunk easily.
For more uneven terrain, wider tires (15×6.00-6, or 33.5cm diameter x 12cm width) are mounted on ULM plastic rims on ball bearnings, which are very robust.
This option adds 7.8kg to the standard version, and costs €185 inc. tax.
The Piccolo delivered with transport bag costs €1,310 inc. tax.
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